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My data

My data

What is your data privacy policy?

You can read our privacy policy by clicking here

Do you handle data according to GDPR?

Yes, we abide by Data Protection Act 2018, which is the UK implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Who is your data protection officer?

Our data protection officer can be contacted by email to

Can I get access to my personal data?

To make a subject access request, please contact and provide the following details: Your name; Practice/Business Name; Kent Express Account Number; Up to date contact details; Comprehensive list of the personal data you want to access, based on what you need; Any details, relevant dates or search criteria to help us identify what you want; How you would like to receive the information (email or print). Please note there may be a reasonable fee to cover our administrative costs, based on ICO guidelines.

What purposes do you use my data for?

The purposes for which we collect and use your personal data may vary depending on the type of relationship you have with us, such as if you are one of our employees, customers, or a website user. Kent Express (as part of Henry Schein UK Holdings Ltd) will always collect and use personal data according to the purpose limitation principle. The use of personal data for new purposes should always guarantee consistency and your privacy expectations, otherwise we will request your authorization.

Will you share my data with third parties?

At times, Kent Express (as part of Henry Schein UK Holdings Ltd) engages third party contractors, service providers, and other vendors to help us accomplish our business objectives. There are other circumstances where we are required by law to disclose personal data to third parties such as public bodies or judicial authorities.

How long do you keep my data for?

At Kent Express (as part of Henry Schein UK Holdings Ltd) applies the storage limitation principle in order to retain personal data in our records only for the length of time required to fulfill the purpose for which the data was collected. We do not keep personal data for longer than is necessary, and what is necessary depends on specific circumstances such as regulations requiring to retain information for a certain period of time and limitation periods of legal claims.

Do you use cookies?

In order to provide you with the best possible experience on our website, we use cookies on our website. Further details can be found in our Privacy Policy.

How can I change my cookie preferences?

Most browsers used by visitors have options that allow the visitor to control whether the browser will accept cookies, reject cookies, or notify the visitor each time a cookie is sent, but setting a browser to reject cookies will prevent access to our website. You can delete your Kent Express cookies from your browser program at any time.

You can also control your Privacy Settings on our website at any time by clicking the fingerprint icon at the bottom left of the screen.