Customer Complaint and Resolution Policy

The Kent Express team aim to provide an excellent level of service to our customers; however, we know that sometimes things can go wrong. It is especially important to us that customers can easily let us know when this happens so we can immediately investigate and put actions in place to resolve issues and prevent them happening again. Information about our terms and conditions are available on our website or customers can contact our Customer Service teams for assistance.
We aim to respond to and resolve your concerns quickly, effectively and in a fair and honest way. We take all issues raised seriously and use valuable information from investigating complaints to help us improve the service we provide.
For supply or quality issues relating to dental consumables: or 0800 0285359
For facilitation of financial advice or agreements: or 0800 0285359
You can contact us by mail at:
Customer Service, Kent Express, Medcare North, Centurion Close, Gillingham ME8 0SB
The Customer Service team log complaints and acknowledge receipt of them within forty-eight hours. We aim to resolve the matter immediately; however, sometimes the relevant department manager may be required to conduct further investigations, thus whilst this occurs the Customer Service team will provide you with regular updates.
When the investigation is complete Customer Service will communicate a proposal for resolution to you. We will aim to provide this proposal to conclude your complaint within twenty-eight working days unless we agree a different time scale directly with you.
Customers should report issues as soon as possible after the date that the event occurs or comes to your notice. If more than twelve months has passed, we may not be able to investigate as thoroughly however, we will give due consideration if you have good reason for not raising the issue sooner.
At any stage during the process, or if you are not happy with the way we are dealing with your complaint, you are entitled to escalate your concern to:
For supply or quality issues relating to dental consumables: Kent Express Sales Manager
For facilitation of financial advice or agreements: Director of Practice Services UK & Ireland
You can contact any of the above by mail at:
Kent Express, Medcare North, Centurion Close, Gillingham ME8 0SB
If you are not satisfied with the final response that you receive from us in respect of your facilitation of financial advice or agreement concern, you have the right to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service. You must do this within six months of our final response.
When we send you our final response, we will also provide you with a copy of the Financial Ombudsman Service’s explanatory leaflet or you can obtain a copy from:
Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR
By freephone: 0800 023 567
Standard Telephone: 0300 123 1 123
Outside of the UK: +44 20 7964 0500
*Calls are charged at the same rates as 01/02 number on mobile tariffs.