Panic is a dangerous phenomenon. COVID-19 sent stock markets tumbling and drove a significant number of the population to hoard toilet tissue, pasta and soap. It will take some time to return to a sense of normality, and it will impact many areas of people’s lives, including their oral health.

While the pandemic has led to grave consequences, mass panic is never helpful and it is important for people to return to a normal routine as soon as possible. The public’s trust in professionals can only be maintained by consistently providing reliable advice and guidance on health and safety.

During the pandemic, treatment and check-ups for many patients have been unavoidably delayed or cancelled. In some cases, patients’ oral conditions will have deteriorated more with the passing of time. We can also expect to see the repercussions of social distancing and self-quarantine on patient health and state of mind.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a serious reminder of the importance of hygiene, disinfection and sterilisation which should be rigorously practiced at all times, but special attention should be paid to decontamination using top-quality equipment such as the Lara sterilizer from W&H.

Finding the Right Decontamination Equipment