Filtek Restoratives have been used in more than 2 billion restorations around the world since first introduced in the 1980s.

The newest advancement in the range is Filtek Easy Match Universal Restoratives, designed to make anterior and posterior restorations easier and more time efficient from the start.

What is Filtek Easy Match?

Filtek Easy Match is a 3-shade system designed to deliver an excellent shade to almost any patient’s tooth shade. Based on the classical VITA shade guide, the three shades are Bright, Natural and Warm. The Natural shade matches most patients’ smiles. Bright or Warm shades are recommended for the rest.

The idea behind Filtek Easy Match is intuitive selection. The shade matching process becomes as simple as observing the tooth and matching it to one of the 3 shades using your expert intuition. Filtek Easy Match’s reduced inventory also minimises the number of shades needed in practice, reduces costs and lessens the chances of less popular composite shades expiring and going to waste.

What’s different about Filtek Easy Match Universal Restorative?

Universal restoratives with condensed shade ranges are growing in popularity, with many brands having their own variation. Here’s the difference. Unlike some competitive single-shade composites, Filtek Easy Match doesn’t need a blocker.

It delivers dentine-like opacity at thicknesses greater than 2 mm, and enamel-like translucency at thicknesses of 0.5–1 mm, according to Solventum. This naturally adaptive opacity and enamel-like translucency shows where you need it, on the bevel and incisal edge.