Dentisan has been far and away Kent Express’ most popular infection control brand for several years running. Both Dentisan and Schulke offer a full range of cleaning and disinfectant solutions for a variety of infection control procedures. Prices vary between the brands with Dentisan products usually available at a lower price and often as part of a free stock offer.

Have You Heard About the Dentisan Clean Water Club?

Routine treatment of dental unit water lines (DUWLs) is essential to reducing the formation of biofilm and keeping bacterial counts in output water as low as possible.

The Dentisan Clean Water Club is a free online portal for managing, monitoring, and maintaining every DUWL in the practice.

Once you are signed up you don't have to worry about reordering waterline products or searching for low prices because you will automatically be sent the product as part of your subscription and receive a 30% discount off Dentisan waterline products.

*all price comparisons are based on our list prices and were accurate as of 07/05/24.