3M Impregum Penta is a range of polyether impression materials designed for detailed reproduction of the teeth and mouth. Impregum dental impression material comes in a variety of preparation speeds and consistencies for different procedural needs. It has been Kent Express’ best-selling polyether material for several years.
Polyether impression material is a synthetic elastomer (a polymer-based impression material which chemically cross-link when setting). It comes as a base and activity paste system.
Polyether is used in a single-stage impression technique where the material syringed around the preparation is the same as that used in the impression tray.
Advantages specific to polyether and 3M Impregum Penta include:
Polyether is typically used for final impressions of crowns, bridges, partial dentures and implants, in particular where moisture control is a challenge. The 3M ESPE Impregum range caters for a broad range of requirements.
Best For: Faster high-precision impression in less complex cases
Suggested Applications
Best For: Detail reproduction due to outstanding hydrophilicity
Suggested Applications