Polishing Stones

Smooth, whiten and prevent with our quality collection of dental polishing discs, kits and powders for all applications.

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Dura-White Polishing Stone RD1 0247 FG 12pk

Dura-White Polishing Stone RD1 0247 FG 12pk

194785 Shofu Dental-0247
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Exa Intrapol Unmounted 22/3mm 0501 100pk

Exa Intrapol Unmounted 22/3mm 0501 100pk

KX225682 Edenta-0501UM-100
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone FL1 0059 CA 12pk

Dura-Green Polishing Stone FL1 0059 CA 12pk

194746 Shofu Dental-0059
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone FL3 0061 CA 12pk

Dura-Green Polishing Stone FL3 0061 CA 12pk

194747 Shofu Dental-0061
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone TC1 0039 HP 12pk
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone TC1 0039 HP 12pk

194749 Shofu Dental-0039
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone PC2 0081 CA 12pk

Dura-Green Polishing Stone PC2 0081 CA 12pk

19475 Shofu Dental-0081
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone CN1 0002 HP 12pk

Dura-Green Polishing Stone CN1 0002 HP 12pk

194750 Shofu Dental-0002
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone FI1 0009 HP 12pk
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone FI1 0009 HP 12pk

194753 Shofu Dental-0009
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone FL2 0010 HP 12pk

Dura-Green Polishing Stone FL2 0010 HP 12pk

194754 Shofu Dental-0010
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone FL3 0011 HP 12pk

Dura-Green Polishing Stone FL3 0011 HP 12pk

194755 Shofu Dental-0011
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone FL4 0012 HP 12pk

Dura-Green Polishing Stone FL4 0012 HP 12pk

194756 Shofu Dental-0012
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone FL4 0062 CA 12pk

Dura-Green Polishing Stone FL4 0062 CA 12pk

19476 Shofu Dental-0062
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone KN7 0029 HP 12pk
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone KN7 0029 HP 12pk

194765 Shofu Dental-0029
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone PC1 0030 HP 12pk
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone PC1 0030 HP 12pk

194766 Shofu Dental-0030
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone PC2 0031 HP 12pk

Dura-Green Polishing Stone PC2 0031 HP 12pk

194767 Shofu Dental-0031
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone RD1 0032 HP 12pk

Dura-Green Polishing Stone RD1 0032 HP 12pk

194768 Shofu Dental-0032
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone PC1 0080 CA 12pk
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone PC1 0080 CA 12pk

19477 Shofu Dental-0080
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone RD4 0035 HP 12pk

Dura-Green Polishing Stone RD4 0035 HP 12pk

194770 Shofu Dental-0035
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone RE1 0037 HP 12pk
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone RE1 0037 HP 12pk

194771 Shofu Dental-0036
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone RE2 0037 HP 12pk
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone RE2 0037 HP 12pk

194772 Shofu Dental-0037
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone TC3 0042 HP 12pk
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone TC3 0042 HP 12pk

194773 Shofu Dental-0042
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone WH4 0046 HP 12pk
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone WH4 0046 HP 12pk

194775 Shofu Dental-0046
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone WH6 0048 HP 12pk

Dura-Green Polishing Stone WH6 0048 HP 12pk

194777 Shofu Dental-0048
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Dura-Green Polishing Stone CN1 0052 CA 12pk

Dura-Green Polishing Stone CN1 0052 CA 12pk

194778 Shofu Dental-0052
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