One-Shade Solution

This is your one-shade solution for everyday cases, independent of the patients’ tooth shade. Why so?

  • Incredible shade-matching properties
  • Easy carving and sculpting with your consistency of choice
  • High radiopacity to ease the diagnosis
  • Exceptional strength to minimise chippings and fractures
  • Over 10 years proven clinical experience
  • Free of BPA-related monomers

One Video to Show You All It Can Do for You

Venus Diamond ONE and Venus Pearl stand for ONE efficient and reliable solution independent of one-shading or aesthetic layering demands.

ONE Simple Solution

You always grab the right shade – because there is just ONE

Venus Diamond ONE/Venus Pearl ONE blends seamlessly into the surrounding dentition, independent of the tooth shade, enabling restorations to simply disappear.

Venus Diamond / Venus Pearl ONE Shade adapts to any tooth shades from A1 to D4 for basic restorations, e. g. in the posterior region.

ONE efficient solution.

  • Handling and reliability are well-established through Venus Diamond and Venus Pearl
  • Non-slump qualities for easy carving and sculpting
  • Stable, minimally adhesive, with an extended working time

Choose the consistency depending on the indication and your preference:

> Venus Diamond: firm, low-stick consistency
> Venus Pearl: creamy, low-stick consistency


ONE Reliable Solution

Expect the same enhanced mechanical properties as with Venus Diamond / Venus Pearl which have been confirmed successfully in various scientific studies worldwide over 10 years. The new product comes with Kulzer's unique TCD-matrix and the optimised nano-hybrid filler system for long- lasting restorations and a minimised risk for chippings and fractures:

  • Exceptional flexural strength
  • Minimal shrinkage stress
  • Free of BPA-related monomers

Adaptive Light Matching

ONE Shade determines the shade of the restoration by absorbing the lightwaves that are reflected by the surrounding tooth shade.
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pdf / 1.5 MB / Updated on  08/09/2023