In the UK, an estimated 4.9 million metric tons of plastics are placed on the market each year, of which three-quarters become waste. Dental practices themselves produce huge amounts of waste from plastic cups, disposable syringes, gloves, single use instruments and oral hygiene products, such as toothbrushes. The chemical structure of these products makes them resistant to the natural process of degradation, with plastic toothbrushes taking hundreds of years to degrade once in landfill.

Despite this knowledge, 99% of all toothbrushes are still made of plastic and billions are discarded by their owners annually. Purchasing and advertising greener, non-plastic alternatives, such as bamboo toothbrushes, represents one way a dental practice can reduce its plastic burden.


Bamboo has become the biodegradable material of choice because of its natural tensile strength and ability to grow fast. Made from 100% natural bamboo, the handle of the Wisdom re:new bamboo toothbrush is fully biodegradable, breaking down in compost within around 6 months. The product’s packaging is made from 100% recycled cardboard that is also fully compostable and recyclable.


Unlike plastic, properties inside a bamboo toothbrush handle are more effective at killing any bacteria that might penetrate it. The ergonomically designed handle of the re:new bamboo toothbrush is coated in plant-based candelilla wax to minimise water absorption. This has the dual effect of prolonging the life of the brush and ensuring a more hygienic brush.