Minimally Invasive Solutions for Root Caries in Older Dental Patients

As the population of the UK is living longer, the absolute and relative numbers of older people retaining their natural teeth is on the rise. This means that conditions such as root caries, which are cavities located in the root surface of a tooth, and dry mouth will be more prevalent. The provision of patient-centered, minimally invasive treatment plans using only the most suitable materials is therefore essential for restoring and maintaining dentition.

Why are older adults susceptible to root caries?

There are many physical changes that can come with ageing that make older people at greater risk of demineralisation and root caries. These include reduced saliva flow, reduction in fine motor skills, cognitive decline, less mobility, changes in diet and general oral heath pathologies that come with a risk of comorbidities.

What’s the solution?

Root caries in older patients should be approached holistically with a treatment plan that identifies the risk factors, prevents and protects, treats and controls, and recalls if necessary. GC has an all-encompassing range of restorative and preventative materials with proven results to help you ensure that the population is not just living longer, but living longer with greater oral health.