If one thing’s for sure, the digital age we now live in has revolutionised the way we see the world. From being glued to the little devices in our pockets, to the big monitors we work on, to watching our favourite shows on TV, we are bombarded with advertisements.

The power of the internet is stronger than ever before. We’d like to share some innovative marketing strategies to help promote your dental practice online, including a unique approach that doesn’t require the internet.

Paid Search Advertising

Google Ads are paid advertisements that appear on Google every time someone searches. By selecting keywords that are relevant to your business, you can advertise to your target market at exactly the right time, plus you only pay for the advert when someone clicks through to your website.

Google Ads also has a feature that allows you to create a ‘remarketing list’. Here you can target people that you already know something about, for example people who have clicked on one of your adverts previously, but didn’t then go on to make an online appointment. By uploading email addresses to a database, Google can even serve ads to specific customers, such as appointment reminders or follow up product adverts that relate to recent purchases.

Want to take it to the next level? These ads can also appear in Gmail, YouTube and thousands of other websites.

Email Marketing

There’s huge scope for dentists to take advantage of email marketing. If you’re looking for new ways to target a wider audience, adding a form on your website could be the first step to building a database of email addresses. Asking every patient for their email address is good practice. As an incentive, why not offer to save paper by emailing receipts to your patients? Once you’ve built your list, the possibilities of email content are endless. You could send patients regular practice updates about new treatments on offer, opening times, dental industry news, personalised information on appointment bookings or appointment reminders.

You could also try ‘we haven’t seen you in a while’ type of emails. This is another form of remarketing. You know the patient has seen you before, you know when you will expect to see them again, so if you don’t hear from them you could send them a nudge to encourage them to book an appointment, perhaps with some kind of incentive included such as a discount on a course of whitening.

Tools such as Mailchimp have a free version that makes sending emails easy, and you don’t have to be an expert designer either as you can “drag and drop” images and text into pre-built email templates. Mailchimp will even take care of “unsubscribes” for you, to ensure that you’re compliant with data protection regulations.


When it comes to marketing, we’d advise practices not to be scared to try new things. The digital world is offering a host of new opportunities to reach your patients, and the above strategies can all be tried for little or no cost. And if you need any help with your dental supplies, we have nearly four decades of experience working with dentists across the UK.