Dental units if not properly maintained can become a breeding ground for bacteria in the water lines. When this happens, a significant hazard is posed to patients by the risk of bacteria entering their mouths and even lungs during treatment.

Biofilms that harbour and protect the bacteria render ordinary disinfectants ineffective, so a specialist biofilm disinfectant is required. Alpron from QWS (Quality Water Supplies) is one of Kent Express’ most popular water decontamination systems and considered by many the gold standard.

What Is Alpron?

Alpron is a specially formulated mild disinfectant for routine decontamination and maintenance of dental unit waterlines (DUWLs). It is bactericidal (kills bacteria), fungicidal (kills fungi) and yeastidical (kills yeast). Alpron is used by thousands of dentists across the world, with clinical studies having proven it able to reduce microbial loads in DUWLs. Alpron Mint Water Decontamination Liquid comes with an artificial mint taste that is safe for patients with mint allergies.

When is It Safe to Use Alpron?

Before using Alpron it is important to determine if the dental unit is already contaminated with biofilm. This can be done by using Alpron Red Dip Slide Samplers. After seven days, the dots on the samplers should be counted.

If under 100 dots appear, the unit is producing drinking quality water and Alpron can be introduced to prevent bacteria growth. If over 100 dots appear, the unit is not producing quality water and a Biofilm Water Decontamination Remover Kit is required.

How to Use Alpron?

Alpron is used at a 1% concentration. This mean that 1 litre of Alpron makes 100 litres in solution. The rest of the solution is water (tap or distilled). The mixture can be stored in an Alpron Water Decontamination Container or another suitable container and be labelled with the date the mixture was made. It is recommended that only enough mixture for a week’s use be made up.

Once poured into a clean water bottle, flush half of the mixed Alpron solution through each of the lines. This will remove any residual chemicals. At a minimum, it is advised that Alpron be flushed through DUWLs for 60 seconds once in the morning and once at night, as well as for 30 seconds between patients.

The clean bottle can be always kept on as it is intended for continuous use. Both bottle and container should be regularly disinfected using BC-SAN.

Is Alpron Compatible With My Dental Unit?

Alpron is approved by notable dental unit manufacturers, amongst others Dentsply Sirona.

What Active Ingredients Are in Alpron?

The active ingredient basis of Alpron is a mixture of biguanides, complexing agents and tosychloramide sodium.

Is Alpron Safe?

Alpron dental cleaning and disinfectant solution is harmless and safe for use. 

The Alpron Starter Kit comes with a manufacturer’s instructions booklet containing important information regarding health and safety considerations.

Click here to view a digital version of the Alpron Safety Sheet.