What Are the Unique Advantages of Glass Hybrids?

With so many different types of restorative materials and brands available on the market, determining the best product to use can be challenging. Strength, aesthetics, speed, biocompatibility, patient compliance and patient risk are all factors that need considering. Prioritising these characteristics depends on the clinical situation. To remove the headache of constantly having to shop between brands for different materials, the GC range is designed with all restoration challenges in mind. GC’s simplified and efficient solutions for posterior restorations include some of Kent Express’ most popular composite and glass hybrid products.

  • Taking you to the next level - Glass hybrid systems offer greater strengths than glass ionomers combined with the superior wear resistance by use of a filled coating.
  • True bulk fill materials - Glass hybrid materials are chemically cured in a short time and do not require to be placed in layers. There is no limit in the depth of cure and no shrinkage linked to the setting of the materials, making them a very safe solution for bulk application.
  • Widen your options - Thanks to their resistance, glass hybrids are the only glass-based materials which offer extended indications. They are ideal materials for class V and load bearing class I & II cavities.
  • Long-term restorations - Clinical studies have shown that glass hybrids are an excellent option for long-term posterior restorations and for the replacement of old amalgams.

What Are the Unique Advantages of Composites?

  • Highly aesthetic - Composite is the best choice when looking for a highly aesthetic material for anterior restorations or demanding patients. Their translucency and light-scattering ability makes them blend naturally with the surrounding tooth structure for a perfect finish.
  • Very strong - Modern composites feature high strength and can withstand masticatory forces. They are also developed to resist wear and to keep a smooth surface over time. Another advantage of composites is that they induce less wear to the antagonists than ceramic materials.
  • Particularly durable - Thanks to their excellent physical properties, composite materials are very durable and can keep performing well both functionally & aesthetically on the long term.