If you've ever spent any time on Instagram or TikTok, you will likely have come across an ad promoting LED tooth whitening.

One of the newer trends in the booming tooth whitening market, LED whitening combines traditional teeth whitening gel with a mouthpiece device that uses light energy to accelerate the bleaching process.

The prospect of quicker results and shorter application times can provide a major selling point to help draw in new patients and boost your whitening revenues.

How Exactly Does LED Tooth Whitening Work?

Power or light-accelerated bleaching involves the use of light energy, most commonly LEDs, to activate the whitening solution. This solution will usually be hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which penetrate the colour pigments inside the tooth, altering the shade of the teeth without effecting tooth structure.

Once applied, the blue or indigo light from the LED mouthpiece device helps activate the bleaching agents with the intention of speeding up the process. According to SDI, manufacturer of pola light, the LED light technology in its product can give patients a brighter, more confident smile in only 5 days.