Tips for Preventing Needlestick Injuries

If you work in dentistry, there is a high probability you would have suffered a needlestick injury at work at some point during your career or know a team member who has. Although safety and awareness around the handling and disposing of dental syringes has improved over the years, needlestick injuries remain alarmingly common in the workplace. It is crucial for dentists and nurses to understand the risks involved with needlestick injury, be able to anticipate them happening and know how best to prevent them.

What are Needlestick Injuries?

Needlestick injury, often shortened to NSI, is defined as “a penetration of the skin by a hypodermic needle or sharp object accidentally pricking the skin.” With syringes used to administer local anaesthetic during treatment multiple times a day, dentists and dental nurses are particularly vulnerable to this hazard. Needlestick injuries can happen before and during the use of a syringe, when recapping or during disposal.

Ultra Safety Plus Twist

How does the Ultra Safety Plus Twist help prevent NSIs?