How Dentists Can Stay Relevant on X

Social media continues to influence the marketing strategies of millions of businesses, including thousands of dental practices. With over 30 million active users nationwide, X remains very popular. But it is right for your dental practice and could you be utilising it better?

How Relevant is X?

Of the 57 million social media users in the UK, 45% are currently active on X. It is no surprise then that 67% of all B2B businesses are using X as a digital marketing tool. In recent years X has enabled businesses to build brand presence online and open new channels for engagement, interactivity and lead-building to a large audience. According to research from the Digital Marketing Institute, four out of ten X users have carried out a purchase after having seen a product/service promoted on the platform. This goes to show the influence X still has on consumer purchase habits and highlights the benefits being present on it can have.

Should Your Dental Practice be on X?

The short answer is yes. X is free to use with the potential for paid advertising that only charges your account when a customer clicks through to a link. How frequently you use X depends on your overall goals and the resources and time you have to manage the account.

Staying Relevant on X

With millions of active users on the platform and businesses competing for space, it can be hard to share content and services without getting drowned out. Here are some ways to stay relevant on X, stay detectable and stay interesting.

4. Get your bio right

Your profile should have a simple bio that outlines what services you provide, the location of your practice, contact number and a link to your website. Using a free tool such as Linktree and including it in your bio can be an additional opportunity to direct people to your other social accounts and website. Consider adding a hashtag with your title or speciality, for example #dentist or #orthodontist. This helps connect your bio with other mentions of these words on X.

5. Embrace analytics

It is important to look at the statistics of your tweets every so often. Areas to analyse include what time of day your content gets the most activity and what type of content followers are engaging most with. Doing this can help you formulate a strategy and optimise your tone, tweet times and content type. Investing in a social media scheduling tool such as HubSpot or Sprout Social can provide additional analysis and allow you to schedule posts ahead of time so that you don’t have to log in every time you want to post.

6. Have fun

Have fun with your tweets by sharing the people behind your practice - the dental nurses, hygienists, receptions. Not every post has to be promoting a service or blog. Share pictures of staff dressed up for the holidays, achievements, birthdays, charity events and any other interesting extra-circularly activity that might be going on. Doing this lets your followers know there are real people working for your practice and can help patients feel more comfortable and relaxed about the world of dentistry in general.

7. Jump on current trends

On social media, there have been few trends bigger than teeth whitening over the past few years with the internet awash with twentysomethings showing off their pearly whites. With teeth whitening only set to grow substantially over the next 10 years, now is the perfect time to promote your own whitening services on X. Consider sharing testimonials and before and after pictures to capture your audience’s attention. For ideas and to keep up to date with our latest offers and blog posts, follow Kent Express by clicking the link below.