What excites dentists? Streamlining restorations. Uncomplicated composite systems. Successful patient outcomes.

Multi-shade composites can deliver all of this and more. Composite systems like Venus Pearl Pure and Venus Diamond Pure are designed to strike the balance between simplicity and beauty in only 4 shades that cover the entire VITA shade guide.

What can Venus Pure shades be used for?

Venus Pure composites can be used on both anterior and posterior restorations in monochromatic layering only.

Indications include the direct restoration of:

  • Class IV cavities
  • Composite veneers
  • Shape corrections of teeth
  • Splinting of teeth loosened by trauma or periodontal disease
  • Primary teeth
  • Core build-up
  • Repairs of porcelain and composite (in combination with an adequate repair system)

What is the difference between Venus Pearl and Venus Diamond?

Venus Pure Shades are available as Venus Diamond (firm, low-stick consistency) and Venus Pearl (creamy, low-stick consistency).

Both products are non-slumping, allowing for easy carving. Both offer a balance of translucency, hue, and chroma reflect light that allow them to be used for both anterior and posterior teeth.

With Kulzer's unique TCD matrix, Venus Diamond and Venus Pearl restorations are built for lasting longer, with less shrinkage.