Optimise Tooth Restorations With Voco's VisCalor and VisCalor Bulk

Two of the most popular dental materials from Voco GmbH, VisCalor and VisCalor Bulk are dental composites designed to optimise tooth restorations. Voco VisCalor is the world’s first universal composite to use thermoviscous technology.

What is Thermoviscous Technology?

Thermoviscous technology combines the advantages of a flowable composite and a sculptable composite in the one material. By pre-warming, the material becomes less viscous so can be placed in the cavity in flowable form. Within a few seconds the material quickly cools back down to body temperature and can immediately be sculpted just like a packable composite. Thermoviscous technology removes the need for multiple working steps for base filling or covering layers. It can also reduce the level of stock that needs keeping.

How is VisCalor Warmed?

Voco recommends warming its VisCalor capsules ready for application in one of two ways.

  1. The first method is with the use of a Voco Caps Warmer. This allows a short-term warming of up to 4 caps at the same time, which makes the device ideal for working with multiple shades.
  2. The second method is with the VisCalor Dispenser. This warms up the capsules ready for them to be applied without the need to change devices. Warmed up rapidly using near-infrared technology, capsule temperature can be maintained for two and half minutes in the dispenser.

Both the Voco Caps Warmer and VisCalor Dispenser are available as individual units or as a set with VisCalor capsules.