Orotol Plus
Better value and better for the environment

Better value and better for the environment
Orotol Plus works out cheaper for your practice, because Orotol 2.5L makes 50L of solution, whereas Orotol Plus 2.5L makes 125L of solution.
Orotol Plus is a concentrate for simultaneous disinfection, deodorisation, cleaning and care of dental suction systems, amalgam separators and spittoons. It has a broad spectrum of activity: bactericidal, yeasticidal, with limited virucidal activity (enveloped viruses including HBV, HCV and HIV as well as non-enveloped viruses such as adenoviruses and noroviruses). It has been tested to European standards, and guarantees reliable protection against infection. With extraordinary cleaning power, it will remove even the most stubborn deposits, even from areas that are difficult to access. It's also aldehyde-free; it's mechanism of action is based on quaternary ammonium cations. (Source: Durr Dental)
Orotol Plus has been tested in accordance with EN 13727, EN 13624, EN 14476, EN 14561, EN 14562, EN 16615.
Daily application of Orotol Plus ensures the technically and hygienically sound operation of dental suction systems, even with high levels of microbial contamination and debris.