Patient Safety

All good turbines should have sufficient cooling features to reduce the heat produced by the friction between the bur and tooth surface.

Excessive heat transfer can result in inflammation and necrosis of the pulp. Most electric contra-angles now have built in coolant ports to spray water at the bur-tooth surface to improve cooling efficiency and minimise pulp injury.

All BA Ultimate turbines come with quadruple (4-port) spray for optimal cooling.

Fibre Optics

Fibre optics is a standard feature on all BA Ultimate high-speed turbines.
Fibre optic transillumination is a proven diagnosis tool that has been tried and tested over many years and which does not require the support of digital technology.

Among the long list of clinical procedures that can benefit from the use of fibre optics are identifying inter-proximal caries, calculus detection and evaluation of staining depth.

For more on the advantages of fibre optics and how they work, click here.