Giving dentists a third eye, Dental Mirrors reflect light on the areas of the mouth that are otherwise hard to see. We offer a range of mirrors and handles designed for comfort as well as performance. Mirror heads at Kent Express are available in the following three categories: Magnifying, Plane and Rhodium Fronted. Both DEHP and Dentsply offer fantastic products catering for all three categories and are widely used by dentists across the country.
Formed of stainless steel, DEHP’s Mirror Heads are rust-resistant and suitable for autoclaving. This makes the sterilisation process fast, effective and hassle-free. Dentsply’s Ash Mirror Heads come with include an aluminium coated rear surface to prevent any potential scratches, and a front surface to eliminate double images.
Used for measuring the pocket depth around teeth, Dental Probes at Kent Express are available in both single and doubled ended forms. Kent Express offer both types from industry leading brands such as Dentsply, DEHP and Hu-Friedy.
The Hu-Friedy Colour Coded Single Ended Qulix Probe comes equipped with black markings to help dentists improve their accuracy. It’s suitable for ultrasonic cleaning or heat sterilisation. DEHP also offer high quality and excellent value.
Scaling involves the removal of plaque and tartar. Typically, ultrasonic scalers are the go-to option, but to reduce aerosol risk a sensible alternative is hand scaling.
Although manual scaling can mean a longer procedure time, hand instruments have been reported to be equally effective as ultrasonic scalers in subgingival plaque removal. You can browse our hand scalers here, including those from Cybertech, DEHP, Dentsply and more.
Excavators are primarily used for removing carious dentine from teeth, and provide an alternative to using a slow speed handpiece. From stainless steel to small and large hollow handles, you can browse our extensive range of dental excavators here. We actively encourage you to keep up to date with the latest dental news via our social media channels and blog. If you have found this blog post useful, please feel to share this with other dental professionals so we can work together to help protect the public.