Acteon's 4-Step Guide to Successful Outcomes

More than half of UK adults (45%) and 60% of over 65s are currently affected by periodontal disease. For dentists, taking a scientifically supported approach to periodontal therapy is key to achieving successful outcomes and bringing down these worryingly high figures. Acteon, a world leader in the manufacture of periodontal instruments and equipment, suggests following a proven 4-step workflow to achieve the best results.

How serious is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease, or gum disease as it's more commonly known, has the potential to seriously impact a person’s quality of life. Of all UK adults currently suffering from the disease, 10% are living with the most severe from which can cause pain and tooth loss. Aside from teeth and gums, periodontal disease can also affect mental health and contribute towards heart disease, pneumonia, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. Relaying this information to patients and raising awareness of the serious health risks associating with gum disease can help them improve their oral hygiene.

Gingivitis vs periodontitis - what’s the difference?

The most well-known types of periodontal disease are periodontitis and gingivitis. The key difference between periodontitis and gingivitis is that gingivitis is reversible whilst periodontitis is not. If left untreated, gingivitis can quickly lead to periodontitis which is what destroys the bone around the teeth and leads to tooth loss.

What does a 4-step periodontal workflow look like?

The 4-step periodontal therapy workflow recommended by Acteon looks like this:
Diagnose – Discuss – Treat – Review

The workflow leans on BSP S3 treatment guidelines, the UK version of the European S3 treatment guidelines document. Vital to successful implementation is knowing what periodontal instruments and equipment to use and at what stage.

Acteon Products for Periodontal Therapy