Aerosol: Electric Highspeed vs Turbine?

The amount of water spray coming from both kinds of handpieces is basically the same. The difference is the bur speed: electric highspeed handpieces are operated at 200,000 rpm, which is around half the speed of turbines. The intensity of particle distributed is reduced. This helps to limit the water spray generated.

Air leaks at the turbines head increase the distribution radius of floating particles around the head of the handpiece. This effect is significantly less with electric highspeed handpieces.

The water spray itself is not an infection risk providing that water quality is maintained, however when water droplets come in contact with the patient, they can absorb germs which has then rebound for any surface within the oral cavity and spread as infectious aerosol. (Source: Tobias Schwarz, W&H)

Hygenic Head Anti-Retraction System

All W&H turbines have built-in hygienic head systems to prevent cross infection. This is designed to minimise and offset any negative impact from run-out time when the rotor continues momentarily before stopping. This minimises retraction of air, water particles and bodily fluids into the handpiece.

In addition to the hygienic head system, W&H turbines and quick couplings also have an anti-retraction valve which prevents the backflow of potentially contaminated water particles from the turbine or coupling towards the central water supply.