Clear visibility of the treatment site is essential for most dental procedures, including adhesive bonding. This and isolating the tooth from fluids are the building blocks for successful, unimpeded treatment. OptraGate lip and cheek retractors from Ivoclar can help control moisture effectively and provide an unobstructed view of the oral cavity.
The risk of contaminating the tooth surfaces during bonding procedures is one of the first challenges dentists must address during treatment. Fluids such as blood and saliva have been proven to significantly decrease the bond strength of the adhesive to the enamel and dentine of the tooth. Standard practice calls for appropriate isolation of the operative site for adhesive bonding to be carried out successfully.
The placement of a rubber dam is often described as the most effective technique for moisture control. Though they are a great tool for certain procedures, some dentists are reluctant to use them because they can be complicated to place. They can also be time-consuming to work with and uncomfortable for some patients to wear. As a convenient alternative, relative isolation devices such as OptraGate can provide a dry working field for adhesive bonding and help ensure long-term clinical success.
OptraGate is easy to place as the video below shows.